Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Page 26 and new site. (No this is NOT an April Fools Day Joke)

Howdy, as you may have noticed on the comic (and plasterd on the header image) we have moved to a new site... is now live! Please update your bookmarks as soon as you can so you can still get your weekly dose of H&B! We will be leaving the ComicGenesis site up through April (with continued comic updates), so you have a little bit of time.

About Page 26, its been a while since we did a full page, and at this point in the story it seemed like the perfect time for one. The Sherif has been called and arrives promtly as the sun breaks over the woods. All of the elements of this page came together better then I imagined! From the roof on the house, to the squad cars in the street... This has become my favorite page in the comic so far! I'm hoping to have the first script wrapped up within the next four pages, effectivly ending on page 30 of the comic. That's the plan anyway!

Head on over to next week (and from here on out) for the start of the conclusion to "Part 2: Hopady and the Bandit"!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nabbed By His Own Kind

So the "cat" burglar is really a dog. Nabbed by his own kind no less.
Way to go PH and BW!

Behind The Scenes With Rich

Orginally Robby John was just going to be anoymous. "Dog thief" is all Ed and I called him in our original script.
Then I saw the Alfred Hitchcock classic To Catch A Thief in which Cary Grant plays a retired burglar named John Robie who is nicknamed "The Cat." And an idea was planted as to our own thief ...
Thus the name Robby John "The Dog" is a tip of the hat to Cary Grant's John Robie "The Cat" in a movie I doubt many people my age -28- have seen. Or even know exsists in the first place.
So Hobo and Bowser has tipped our hat to Mr. Hitchcock.

Page 25 (An update on time!)

...And here we are. Page 25 came out rather well, it took me quite a while to get Puppy Hobo to look right in the second panel. For some reason he just wouldn't come together right when I first started to draw him, the end result though came out just as I envisioned him... His look is one of pity/disgust. What greater insult to a dog then being called anything "cat".

The current story line only has a few more pages to go and then the first script we've been working from will wrap! Have no fear though, Rich is hard at work on script number 2!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Colored page 24 (At last!)

Here it is, apologies for such a long wait... I've left the uncolored version underneath the finished page for comparisons sake.

This wednesday updates will resume to normal!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Updates resuming.

Just to let you all know, update will be coming. The store is closed up and aside from job hunting, I'm planing on putting my free time and energy exclusivly into the comic. What I'm hoping for is to build up a buffer to switch this to a daily strip. We'll see how it goes...

Friday, March 6, 2009


The cat burglar is nabbed by the guard dog duo of Puppy Hobo and Bowser Wowser. But wait!
Why are they gasping?
Is it a cat ... or not?
Keep tabs with H&B to find out!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


...And when I said "up later today or thrusday." I really ment friday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Full Comic on Thursday

Gonna take one more day to work on this one... Full color and finished comic will be up later tonight/tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nothing yet...

Hang in there folks... We'll be getting back to updates shortly. Hopefully next week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cat Burglar Is Nabbed!

So the cat burglar is nabbed!
What next?
Keep tabs to find out as we move by "red light/green light" along the H&B road.

Writer's Note:

The device involving an item attached to a wire which activates a burglar alarm was inspired by a funny sequence in the Christmas caper film The Ref. Where Denis Leary does something similar in a safe in a mansion. Only to find his quick getaway foiled.
Call it an homage.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No update...

Bleh... Nothing new this week. Too busy with closing down the store and finding a new job.

Maybe next time!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Page 23

So hey, see what happens when I have two days off from work in a row? I draw four panels! That's twice as many as last week! This page is the middle/bottom half of what page 22 was going to be at first. It all came together pretty nicely. I like it when I sit down to draw and the imagery just pops out effortlessly as it did with this page.

The only thing I wanted to add in but never got to look quite right, was in the fourth panel to have the Bandit siloueted more by the lights coming on, with streaks of light shining through the fingers/around the figure. Somthing to practise at I guess.

The Update Schedule is still in the air for now, haven't quite gotten the "Job Situation" settled just yet, but I got a couple interviews today so we'll see how it goes!

See you next week with (hopefully) another full page.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Here He Comes Again

Here comes that cat burglar again.
What will happen this time?
Click back next Wednesday to find out!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Page 22

What was going to be a normal 6 panel page is being broken up into three sets of two over the next three weeks. With everything up in the air like it is at the moment, this format may continue for the near future.

But hey, two panels are better then none right?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No update this week...

Well folks sorry to dissapoint... But this weeks update will be delayed.
As I'm sure you've heard on the news Circuit City is going out of business, and I just so happen to work for that company... needless to say I'm extremely busy helping close the store up, and looking for a new job. I should have a new page done next week but I'm not gonna make any promises until things slow down and get back to normal.

Anyone out there looking to hire a dedicated worker with six years of warehouse/customer service/operations manager experiance? Give me a Shout at:
hoboandbowser (at)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Page 21 - On the job

This page marks the first time I've hand drawn the panels before hand. I've switched to drawing the comic on bristol board insted of regular printer paper, it feels a lot nicer to draw on, very smooth.
Still getting the hang of 'Levels' in photoshop, this page's inks came out pretty decently after the scan (although if you look close you can see some of the lines have some tiny gaps in them) but I believe I've figured out the remedy for that, so we'll see how it goes next time.

Till then!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Trap Is Set!

So a trap is set!
Who will Hobo and Bowser catch?
Keep up with us to find out!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Realization

Uh oh. Tony and Lee have realized they've been robbed.
Looks like a job for their guard dogs.
I really had fun with this section of the story. Basing our characters dialogue and reactons partially on this one hilarious Calvin and Hobbes story arc that began with Calvin's mom asking Calvin's dad "Have you seen my shoes?" To which dad replies "Your shoes? I don't know." And partially on a line said by John Candy in the film Planes, Trains, and Automobiles where he exclaims "We were robbed!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yes, We're back.

Hello once again! Here is page 20, on time as promised! I'm playing around with things again, aside from erasing the pencil lines that were left over, the inks on this page are exactly as they were drawn on paper. Now that I've figured out how to use the Levels feature in Photoshop I dont have to redraw each page once its scanned in. I can just fix any errors and then move right into coloring and details.
I've tweaked my characters hairstyle a little, it looks better and is a lot easier to color now.

If anyone is lost on the current storyline after our Holiday detour, please Start Here.

Over new years I had a guest strip up over at The SuperFogeys! A wonderful comic by Brock Heasley, I would also like to give a belated welcome to our new visitors from his site, hope you all are enjoying our slice of the internet!

Next week, Puppy Hobo and Bowser dig deeper into this mystery, see you then!