Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Page 26 and new site. (No this is NOT an April Fools Day Joke)

Howdy, as you may have noticed on the comic (and plasterd on the header image) we have moved to a new site... is now live! Please update your bookmarks as soon as you can so you can still get your weekly dose of H&B! We will be leaving the ComicGenesis site up through April (with continued comic updates), so you have a little bit of time.

About Page 26, its been a while since we did a full page, and at this point in the story it seemed like the perfect time for one. The Sherif has been called and arrives promtly as the sun breaks over the woods. All of the elements of this page came together better then I imagined! From the roof on the house, to the squad cars in the street... This has become my favorite page in the comic so far! I'm hoping to have the first script wrapped up within the next four pages, effectivly ending on page 30 of the comic. That's the plan anyway!

Head on over to next week (and from here on out) for the start of the conclusion to "Part 2: Hopady and the Bandit"!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nabbed By His Own Kind

So the "cat" burglar is really a dog. Nabbed by his own kind no less.
Way to go PH and BW!

Behind The Scenes With Rich

Orginally Robby John was just going to be anoymous. "Dog thief" is all Ed and I called him in our original script.
Then I saw the Alfred Hitchcock classic To Catch A Thief in which Cary Grant plays a retired burglar named John Robie who is nicknamed "The Cat." And an idea was planted as to our own thief ...
Thus the name Robby John "The Dog" is a tip of the hat to Cary Grant's John Robie "The Cat" in a movie I doubt many people my age -28- have seen. Or even know exsists in the first place.
So Hobo and Bowser has tipped our hat to Mr. Hitchcock.